Satoshi Wagahara has written light novels on which the premise of this anime is based. Oniku illustrated those novels. Hataraku Maou-Sama season 2 episode...
So-Ma-To (the famous duo) has written and illustrated Shadows House. Clover works worked on animating the manga. This adaption was aired from April to...
Nicholas Charles Sparks is an American novelist, screenwriter, and philanthropist. He is the author of twenty-two novels and two non-fiction books, most of his...
Bruce Frederick Joseph Springsteen is an American singer, songwriter, and musician who has given us some of the greatest performances in the rock scene....
The American reality TV star Audrina Patridge has recently opened up about her toxic relationship. The confession has brought the actress back into the...
Crystal Kung Minkoff is a famous personality, and she has established her net worth through her many professions. She is an American entrepreneur and...
John Carpenter is an American filmmaker, composer, and actor. He has made movies in various genres, but he was mostly associated with horror films. John...
Dion Lee is an Australian fashion designer who runs his clothing brand. He is considered one of the most popular and established Fashion designers. Dion...
Audrina Cathleen Patridge is an American television personality, model, and actress. Being chosen for the reality television program The Hills, Patridge has been a...
Based on a still-popular apocalyptic comedy, Lucifer And The Biscuit Hammer was one of this season’s most anticipated anime. With the original material being so...