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29 Strongest One Piece Characters Ranked – 2022

29 Strongest One-Piece Characters Ranked – feature

Before being executed, the legendary Pirate King Gold Roger revealed that he hid the One-Piece treasure somewhere on the Grand Line. Today, many pirates seek the title of Pirate King in search of this legendary treasure. Pirate Monkey D. Luffy is a boy who gained the power of gum by eating a devil fruit. Now he and his crew embark on a quest to find the One Piece, battling enemies and making new friends along the way.

One Piece is a Japanese manga series by Eiichiro Oda. The story follows the adventures of Monkey D. Luffy, a young boy who accidentally ate a devil fruit and took on the properties of rubber. Aiming to become the next pirate king, Luffy adventures the Grand Line with the Straw Hat Pirates in search of the world’s greatest treasure, “One Piece.”

One Piece is an anime series produced by Toei Animation that aired in Japan in 1999 and has been praised for its storytelling artistry, characterization, and humor. Additionally, they have developed 14 feature-length animated films, an OVA, and 13 television specials. Several companies develop different types of merchandising and media.

Since this anime series has been operating for many years and many powerful characters have been introduced, we’ve met villains and heroes alike, and the sea is filled with various pirates, marines, and adventures. Thus, you may wonder who has introduced the strongest characters this year. We’ve gathered the strongest characters in One Piece in 2022.

29. Magellan


Magellan, the strongest character in Impel Down, is ranked 29th. As Director of Impel Down, he was the most difficult enemy Luffy had to go through to save Ace. This allowed Magellan to create and manipulate poisons at will, paralyzing his opponents or even destroying them with highly corrosive poisons.

Magellan is eventually considered a very large man, that too about three times the height of a normal human. He also has very sharp teeth with a thick beard. Bat wings are the weapons that are generally worn by Magellan. He was considered the vice chief nearly twenty years ago, and he also has the same attire he does today.

28. Crocodile


A former sea warlord, Crocodile is one of the most formidable villains Luffy has ever encountered. His Devil Fruit, Sand, which turned him into the sand, was a problematic force to deal with, as almost all of his attacks passed through him.

Later, he became Luffy’s ally in the Impel Down arc and demonstrated his fighting power in the Marineford Paramount War. He simultaneously defeated Donquixote Doflamingo and Dracule Mihawk unharmed and even held up against Admiral Akainu.

27. Jinbei


Another former sea warlord appears in One Piece’s list of the top 30 strongest characters alive. Jinbei, one of the series’ strongest Fishman, terrorizes his enemies with skilled Fishman karate Increase. He was also the captain of the Sun Pirates but later joined Luffy in the Wano Country arc.

He is extremely powerful and has shown this by taking an ace and holding his own even though his opponent has the power of Logia. He easily defeated Who’s Who, the strongest member of the Flying Six.

26. Sanji


Sanji is also one of the strongest living characters in One Piece. As a result of using the raid suit many times in the Wano Country arc, his body has been remodeled. His body awakened genetic enhancements, resulting in exponential increases in his strength, speed, and endurance.

The Queen’s sword also shattered Sanji’s neck with a single blow. He sent Queen in a hybrid form, gaining extreme physical strength and speed to fly with just a kick. As compared to other characters, Sanji is considered a slim and muscular long-legged man, and he also has blond hair.

After some time, Sanji was eventually seen in another hairstyle and covered his head by the right side. Talking about his eyes, he usually has black eyes, and later, it was depicted that he has grey-blue eyes.

25. Zoro

29 Strongest One-Piece Characters Ranked – 2022

As the first member Luffy recruits, Zoro boasts insane strength and sword skills. We’ve seen many incredible accomplishments from this forgetful character on his way to becoming a Master Swordsman.

Although he does not possess the power of a devil fruit, it has never hindered him as he has been able to defeat countless enemies with pure skill and swordsmanship.

In addition, he also possesses an armor-clad Haki, a sword-colored Haki, and possibly a rose-colored Haki, which, combined with his swordsmanship, makes him even more formidable. I got enough power to defeat in single combat.

24. Yasopp


Usopp’s father, Yasopp, is the first member of Shank’s crew to appear on this list. Being an officer on their crew of Shank proves his strength as he is also the top target of the World Government and Marine Corps books. He was adopted by Shanks of Syrup Village for his sniper skills.

Yasopp, a highly skilled Marine sniper, also got an example of his skill when he defeated Masterson in a one-on-one duel. Yasopp generally looks similar to his son, and one of his qualities is that he will not share the same long nose and blond hair. Later, after some years, nearly 20 years, he had the same curls and black hair as Usopp.

23. Donquixote Doflamingo

Donquixote Doflamingo

Warlords of the Sea dominate this list as Doflamingo secures 23rd place on the leaderboard. One of his terrifying villains in the series, Doflamingo, wreaked havoc with Ito Ito no Mi, a devil fruit that allows him to create and manipulate threads. With its sharp edge and incredible durability, his strings offered a variety of attacks against his opponents.

Additionally, he is one of the few characters in the series who can use all three of his Haki types, which further proves his power. During the fight with Luffy, Doflamingo pushes him to the extreme as Luffy has to push all the limits to win this battle.

22. Shiryu


Former Chief of Impel Down, Shiryu of the Rain ranks 22nd on the list of One Piece’s 30 Strongest Living Characters, after Magellan. He later joined Blackbeard and is now one of the ten Titanic Captains of the Blackbeard Pirates.

He was imprisoned at Level 6 of Impel Down for his sadistic treatment of prisoners. Furthermore, his Devil Fruit, Suke Suke no Mi, gave him the power of invisibility and also allowed him to make anything he touched invisibly.

21. Silvers Rayleigh

Silvers Rayleigh

Unlike Luffy, it’s no surprise that the Pirate King’s former right-hand man appears at number 21 on our list. He doesn’t have the power of a devil fruit, but he overwhelms his opponent with the power of Haki. This established his extraordinary strength and why Gol D., Even in his old form and was able to fight evenly with Kizaru. Some fans have objected, saying he could have beaten him, but that’s not true.

20. Sengoku


Sengoku the Buddha is a former navy admiral. His name carries some weight due to all the incredible achievements he achieved before retiring. Competed. His mythical animal fruit allows him to transform into a giant golden Buddha, giving him a unique nickname. Talking appearance of Sengoku.

He is generally tall and fair-skinned, and he also has a muscular man with a long and braided goatee and a mustache. Usually, Sengoku is seen alongside his pet goat, and it was seen that he loved his pet goat very much. He is always seen wearing black-rimmed glasses with a white and gold full Marine admiral uniform which suits him a lot.

19. Garp


It’s no exaggeration to say that Monkey D. Garp deserves number 19 on this list. We know he was one of the strongest characters in his prime, but he’s old now and would be better off ranked lower. Garp, Luffy’s grandfather, and mentor, possessed great power and a fighting spirit. He was a Vice Admiral in the Navy and trained Coby and Helmeppo to be excellent Marines.

Besides being an excellent teacher to him, he was famous for cornering Roger several times in fights. He was also given the rank of Admiral on several occasions. He’s ranked 19th because he’s strong enough to take down Marco in one hit, even in his old age.

18. Enel


Many anime fans believe that Enel was defeated at Skypiea and was never seen again after that. However, manga fans believe that after his defeat, he embarked on a journey to the moon, where he gained knowledge of the devil’s fruit. “Raijin” was a formidable threat to Luffy and his crew during their adventures in Skypiea. Enel’s insane power was too much for Luffy.

He showed his threat when he was able to defeat Mantis and Raki. In addition, using the thunder-based powers of the rumbling and Kenbunshoku Haki, he terrorized the inhabitants of Skypiea. Enel is probably much more powerful than the characters in the list above. He can hear the thoughts and actions of the Skypiea. Additionally, he has extensive knowledge of mechanics and technology.

17. Kizaru

29 Strongest One-Piece Characters Ranked – 2022 2

Kizaru is the third Admiral of the Navy, along with Aramaki and Fujitora. He was the only one to hold the position after the War of Marineford. Although he has a laid-back personality, his fighting skills are far superior to most of the characters in the series.

Also, his Devil Fruit, “Pika Pika No Mi,” turns his body into light, which can be used in various ways. Skill-wise, Kizal has many advantages. He’s also arguably one of One Piece’s strongest living characters.

16. Aramaki


The current Admiral is ranked 16th. Aramaki hasn’t seen much yet, but the person who filled the hole left by Akainu and Aokiji has tremendous power. Now he’s arrived in Wano Country. Having glimpsed the power of the forest, he created many plants that absorb nutrients from living things.

He stripped and eliminated all nutrients from both the King and Queen. Even Doflamingo classified both Fujitora and Aramaki as monsters. As compared to other characters, Aramaki is usually a muscular man who has thick and wild dark hair that generally reaches his neck. He looks perfect in this hairstyle as he is quite tall and has a black beard.

He does not wear a shirt as he has a very long and tall tattoo that eventually runs down the left side of his chest. He is always seen in a casual and uncouth manner which is almost loved by all the other characters in this anime series.

15. Aokiji


Former admirals make up the top half of this list. After being handed over to Sakazuki as Admiral, he retired from the Marines and joined Blackbeard. During his admiral days, he was feared by everyone for his cool personality and power.

It can completely manipulate the Devil Fruit, Hie Hie no Mi, and change its body into ice to manipulate it freely. We ranked him 15th on his list based on his ability to freeze anything at a wide range.

14. Fujitora


Fujitora was another admiral appointed alongside Green Bull to fill the two vacancies. He is a man of high moral justice who wishes to rid the world of all evil. He is one of the main antagonists of the Dressrosa Arc and the Zushi Zushi no Mi Fruit Devil. Proved to be quite a handful in fruit.

His Paramecia Fruit grants him the power to manipulate gravity. This is a very rare kind of power that has many uses. This power is extremely difficult for an opponent to overcome and gives him an advantage in most fights. In the end, Dressrosa reveals the true limits of his abilities. At that time, if he wished, he could destroy all pirates.

13. Sabo


Luffy and Ace’s brother-in-law successfully secured 13th place on the leaderboard. Being number two in the Revolutionary Army speaks to his strength and why he is so high on this list. Sabo obtained the power of Logia Fire by eating Ace’s Devil Fruit Mera Mera no Mi Fruit.

In this way, he continued Ace’s legacy as a fearsome fighter. Also, the ambition of the armament is as strong as Garp’s. In Dressrosa, he fought Fujitora one-on-one, ending in a draw. He showed strength after eating the Mera Mera no Mi fruit.

12. Katakuri


Charlotte Katakuri is one of the Sweet Three Commanders of the Big Mom Pirates. His actions as an antagonist in Cake Island Arc earned him a high ranking on this list. He is a highly skilled wielder of his primary weapon in combat, the spear-mole. He also uses the power of the Devil Fruit, the Mochi Mochi no Mi Fruit, to turn his whole body into rice cakes and manipulate them freely.

11. Yamato


In One Piece, Yamato is one of the most powerful characters. She is the latest character to appear in the Wano Country arc and has joined the Straw Hat Pirates. Kaido’s biological daughter. Like her father, she is one of the few characters who can use all three types of her Haki and can use the advanced conqueror’s Haki.

She also eats the Inu-Inu no Mi, a mythical animal devil fruit, Model: Oguchi Majin, and transforms into a wolf god. In Zoan form, her strength increases exponentially, and she can use multiple abilities. Yamato may be stronger than Marco, but nothing beats Marco. So, she placed Marco over her.

10. Marco

29 Strongest One-Piece Characters Ranked – 2022 3

The character who recently dominated the latest One Piece is ranked 10th. Marco needs no introduction as he is one of the most trusted and skilled fighters of Whitebeard’s crew. Additionally, his Devil Fruit Tori Tori no Mi Fruit is one of the rarest species of mythical animal fruit. Not only does he make Marco a phoenix, but he also has the resilience he needs in the long run. n the Wano arc, he fought alone against the King and Queen.

9. Benn Beckman

Benn Beckman

Benn Beckman is one of the strongest living characters in One Piece. e boasts a wealth of experience in previous battles and a wide range of tactics. We are not aware of his full abilities, but we did get an example of the threat he posed when Kizaru refused to fight him despite gunpoint. He also defeated a team of brown bear bandits single-handedly.

8. Eustass Kid

Eustass Kid

Eustass Kid is the captain of the Kid Pirates from South Blue and becomes Luffy’s ally in the Wano Country arc. Like Law, he awakens his Paramecia-type Devil Fruit Jiki-Jiki Fruit, giving him the ability to manipulate magnetic forces and attract or repel metal objects at will.

The skill has become even more powerful and can now crush the Yonko. Together with Law, he defeated Big Mom and landed his final beam attack. e is also one of the few One-Piece characters who can use Hasha Haki.

7. Trafalgar D. Water Law

Trafalgar D. Water Law

Trafalgar D. Water Law, known as the Surgeon of Death, is the captain of the Heart Pirates. Is Devil Fruit Ope Ope no Mi grants him the ability to create blue orbs that allow him to manipulate space. In the final battle of the Wano Country arc, he awakened his Devil Fruit ability and gained the ability to destroy even the Yonko. Having defeated Big Mom with Kid’s help and great physical strength, he is also a medical expert and a great tactician.

6. Akainu


The last of the admiral trio has held a position far above his compatriots since he was promoted to Admiral after the Battle of Marineford.  His strength surpasses that of Kizaru and Aokiji, and his strength earned him the highest rank in the Marine Corps.

With his overwhelming strength, he has an extremely intimidating presence, and he makes full use of Vulcan’s power with the Devil Fruit “Magu Magu no Mi.” Akainu is arguably one of the strongest living characters in One Piece.

5. Mihawk


Mihawk, also known as Hawkeye, is the world’s greatest swordsman, said to be on the level of the Yonkou. n the past, he was Shanks’ rival in the race for the greatest living swordsman. But after the incident, he declared Mihawk to be stronger than Red-Haired Shanks. He is still a mysterious figure and has only revealed a fraction of his powers. However, his prowess rivals that of Whitebeard’s commanders.

4. Monkey D. Dragon

Monkey D. Dragon

Monkey D. Dragon is arguably one of One Piece’s strongest living characters. Not surprisingly, the leader of the Revolutionary Army ranks in the top five on this list. As someone who declares war on the world government, he must be someone who can easily defeat a navy admiral. So, he is in a higher position than Akainu. His abilities have yet to be revealed, but his status as the “World’s Most Wanted Man” speaks for itself.

3. Shanks


Shanks ranks third on this list. He is the first of his four emperors to be featured here when moving up the list. Even though he doesn’t have devil fruit powers, the fact that he’s ranked up this far speaks to all of his strengths.

He’s also an apprentice to Roger’s crew, making him a valuable experienced. Not only is he a master swordsman, but he is proficient in all three types of haki. Currently, the series has not shown the true extent of his powers.

2. Marshall D. Teach

Marshall D. Teach

Marshall D. Teach, aka Blackbeard, is one of the strongest characters in the One-Piece series. He was one of his most powerful antagonists for a long time, wreaking havoc everywhere he went. He became one of the Four Emperors, gaining even more power with the Time Skip. His specialty is possessing two Devil Fruit powers, the Yami Yami no Mi and the Gura Gura no Mi, and he is currently collecting incredible Devil Fruits for his crew.

1. Monkey D. Luffy

In One Piece, Monkey D. Luffy is currently the strongest character. He recently awakened his mythical animal devil fruit Hito Hito Nomi, model: Nika, and transformed into the sun god Nika and he also mastered all three forms of Haki in battles against Katakuri and Kaido.

Luffy became very powerful, and the world government made him an official emperor of the sea, and his prize money is now 3 billion. Luffy is one of the few characters that can play the conquered collision, as seen in the previous battle between Yonko.

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