US Voters (Credits: WIRED)

Poll: Voter Interest in Election Drops to Nearly 20-Year Low

In a recent NBC News survey, fewer people seemed interested in the upcoming election compared to before. Only 64 percent of registered voters said they were very interested, which is the lowest in almost 20 years.

This drop in interest is a big change from past elections. For example, in 2008, 74 percent of voters were highly interested, and in 2020, it was 77 percent.

US election (Credits: Center for American Progress)

The survey also asked people who they would vote for if the candidates were former President Trump for the Republicans and President Biden for the Democrats. Trump had a small lead of 2 points over Biden, with 46 percent supporting him and 44 percent supporting Biden. This is less than before when Trump had a 5-point lead in January.

The poll also looked at what people thought about Trump’s legal issues. Half of the participants said they thought Trump was being treated like anyone else with legal problems. But 43 percent thought Trump was being treated unfairly.

The survey was done from April 12-16 and included 1,000 registered voters. It might not be exactly right for everyone, but it gives a good idea of what people are thinking.

U.S. voters (Credits: CNN)

This drop in interest in the election is worrying because it’s important for everyone to be involved in choosing their leaders. It shows that people might not feel as excited or interested in voting as they did before.

To make sure everyone feels included and wants to vote, we need to find ways to make politics easier to understand and more relevant to people’s lives.