Sakamoto Days Chapter 74 is yet to release in a few days. The JCC examination has been ongoing, and the competition has finally concluded. However, there were still a few examinations to join in JCC, including a medical exam and, presumably, a few writing exams. As shown in the chapter’s conclusion, Sakamoto failed the test. This severe error will compromise their strategy to hack the JCC database to get information about Slur. Will Shin have to infiltrate the JCC and contact information independently? Or there is still a chance for Sakamoto to join the JCC organization.
Mafuya and Nao, on the other hand, are still in danger of joining the evil guys. Additionally, Nagumo and his crew are on their voyage. What will occur in Chapter 74 of Sakamoto Days? We do not know exactly what will happen in the next chapter, but we do know when Sakamoto Days Chapter 74 will be released. In addition to information about where the chapter may be found after publication. Here are the specifics for Chapter 74 of Sakamoto Days.
Sakamoto Days, Chapter 74
Previously, Sakamoto failed the JCC exam, as shown by the results. Infiltrating the JCC seems to be proving difficult for them so far. Ultimately, with the epic fail, will Sakamoto be allowed inside the JCC? Or did he fail all of his medical tests! Despite a thorough review of the results, Sakamoto received an impressive 296 out of a possible 300. It was still an exam failure for him since Shin was victorious and walked away with his diploma. However, Sakamoto has a shot at joining the JCC, given that only seven people completed the combat test. He may be able to retake the examinations he failed. Although Mafuya and Nao have left the organization’s recruitment process, they are still actively participating.
We never heard back from Mafuya when he asked what would happen if they refused to join them. I don’t believe they’ll be able to renegotiate the deal, as Gaku alone was enough to bring them to their knees without Sakamoto’s aid. Mafuya, on the other hand, remains a mystery. To put it another way, I’d rather have Nao join so that she can take on fat Sakamoto. However, all of these projections are predicated on a single assumption I’ve made. It is possible that the events portrayed in chapter 74 of Sakamoto Days were not factual. There are currently no spoilers for Sakamoto Days 74. Before the chapter’s release, they will be available online. As a result, please return to our website for a second look. We might make changes to this article or start from scratch.
Release Date of Sakamoto Days Chapter 74
Sakamoto Days Chapter 74 will be released on June 12, 2022, the following Sunday. What will occur next with Sakamoto’s examination? If the release date is modified, it will be reflected in the article. The release schedule will vary from area to region, depending on the timezone. However, the leaks and scans get released even before the official release. With any updates or leaks, the article will be updated with new information.
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SAKAMOTO DAYS PV to commemorate the release of Volume 7.
— Shonen Jump News (@WSJ_manga) June 3, 2022
Where to Read Sakamoto Days Chapter 74?
Chapter 74 of Sakamoto Days will be available on powerful manga reading platforms such as Viz and Mangaplus. The chapter will be available as soon as it is made available. Please note that it airs at various times, as shown in the table above. The websites listed below have a history of timely chapter delivery and are up-to-date.
Recap of Sakamoto Days Chapter 73
Slur reveals that the primary objective of this new group is to eliminate the JAA. In contrast, the chapter’s middle section describes the gathering of Nagumo, Shishiba, and Osaragi. Nagumo discussed justice as the group scratched Killer Lotto Scratch Cards. The conclusion of the chapter took place at Sakamoto’s convenience shop, where they discussed the JCC Examination. Soon, Sakamoto’s daughter will distribute JCC mail. This message provides the examination’s results. While Shin aced the exam, Sakamoto failed.