Triangle Of Sadness Ending Explained

In his first English-language feature film, Ruben Stlund writes and directs Triangle of Sadness, a satirical black comedy that is being co-produced globally in 2022. Woody Harrelson, Charli Dean, Zlatko Buri, Dolly de Leon, Vicki Berlin, Henrik Dorsin, and Harris Dickinson are among the cast members. There is the final movie Dean acted in before she passed away in August 2022.

The first two acts of the movie, which are divided into separate segments with their title cards and unique plots, hardly include Filipino actress Dolly De Leon at all. Triangle of Sadness had its global debut on May 21, 2022, at the Cannes Film Festival, where it got an eight-minute standing ovation but also won the Palme d’Or.

Triangle of Sadness then aired in France on September 28, 2022, the US and Sweden on October 7, Germany on October 13, and the UK on October 28, all before being distributed internationally. Reviews for the movie were mostly favorable.

Long before Ruben Stlund’s dark comedy Triangle of Sadness made its debut at the renowned Palme d’Or-winning 2022 Cannes Film Festival, it was clear who would end up being the film’s standout character. The third part of the movie, however, is completely dominated by De Leon’s character Abigail, who continues to be a mysterious figure right up to the very end.

As the passengers try to eat their lunch and use the restrooms and the ship looks to be in choppy waters, it quickly turns into a festival of vomit. “I had to make a backstory!” De Leon declares. “I’m probably going to be so bewildered on set, and it’s going to be showing whether I embrace the surprise with every job I do.

As a result, I kept a notebook in which I discussed her background and the events that contributed to her development as a person. That significantly influenced her whole behavior and justified why she talked or behaved as she did in the movie.

Triangle Of Sadness: Plot

Fashion models Carl and Yaya are together primarily to increase their social media followings; nevertheless, as she is far more successful than him, they frequently disagree on gender roles and matters of money. They receive a complimentary invitation to a lavish cruise onboard a superyacht in exchange for sharing it on social media.

Therese, who has been able to utter one line in German after having a stroke, Dimitry, a Russian tycoon, and his wife Vera are among the affluent visitors, as is Jarmo, a lonely tech millionaire. Clementine and Winston, an old couple who have built their fortune-producing weapons, are also among the wealthy guests.

Thomas Smith, the yacht’s skipper, is stumbling around in his stateroom while intoxicated. As a storm approaches the boat, Paula can convince Thomas to get himself together so that he may attend the captain’s dinner.

Several diners vomit and defecate throughout the meal as a consequence of food and seasickness that went bad while the kitchen crew was made for swimming, and one has a cardiac attack, which causes the ship to get alarmed. Several passengers are hurt as a result of the intoxicated Thomas and Dimitry’s argument about capitalism and socialism over the ship’s intercom and the ship’s struggle in the storm and power outage.

By the time daylight comes, pirates have already attacked, blown up the yacht, and killed Winston and Clementine with one of their grenades. As they engage in a verbal battle while imprisoned in the ship’s control room, Thomas and Dmitry trade socialist and capitalist quotations while spouting historical aphorisms.

Captain Smith, ironically, reads from a book, “Every bomb that’s dropped, someone makes a million dollars,” just before a bunch of pirates places explosives on the ship, causing it to catch fire and explode. Only a portion of the crew and visitors make it out alive, landing on a neighboring island “a few hours later” and ushering in “Part 3: The Island,” the concluding chapter.

Triangle Of Sadness: Ending Explained

Nelson, Carl, Yaya, Therese, Paula, Yarmo, and Dmitry, an engine room worker, are among the victims of the explosion, along with the rest of the passengers and staff (Jean-Christophe Folly). The following day, toilet manager Abigail shows up in a large lifeboat carrying water and additional goodies (Dolly de Leon). At first, Paula orders her and tells her to share her snacks and drink with everyone.

Abigail, who had constructed the fire herself and caught the fish that everyone had for dinner, takes the lead by nighttime. She asks them, “Who am I?”. Each participant gets another tiny piece of fish if they say “Captain,” but they have to do it.

Titanic, get out of here! There is a brand-new, appalling boat movie out right now, and you can see it online! Triangle of Sadness, which had directed by Ruben Ostlund and starred Harris Dickinson, the late Charlbi Dean, and Woody Harrelson, is about a group of affluent people who are aboard a boat.

It sounds calm, doesn’t it? Wrong. Rich people’s vacation that had meant to be peaceful quickly devolves into a Lord of the Flies-like situation where they must find a way to survive on a remote island.

On the 2022 festival circuit, Triangle of Sadness generated a great deal of discussion. The Triangle of Sadness, a merciless parody by Ruben Stlund against the wealthy and attractive, ended with one mystery for viewers: what happened to Yaya? Throughout a press conference at the Cannes Film Festival in 2022, one of the performers responded with a resounding statement that provided a clear response to the query.

The action then turns to Carl sprinting along the same route as Yaya and Abigail were, perhaps to track down the two of them. There marks the start of their everyday lives and activities on the island. Nelson and Carl are first tasked with keeping an eye on Therese, while Paula and Yaya are permitted to spend the night in the lifeboat alongside Abigail.

Carl and Nelson give Therese some pretzel sticks they find in the suitcase Abigail left behind, but the next day they are confronted by the other women and chastised for keeping the pretzel sticks to themselves. Dmitry makes an effort to be somewhat helpful by offering Abigail one of his watches as a promise of money “after they come back,” but apart from providing them with flashlight guidance, he is of little use.

He initially checked in with Yaya to see what he could and could do, but quite quickly, being there became regular for him. As the days go by, the gang seems to get along well, but the boys are still without a word or a true reason to be on the island. Place at a single point. They slaughter a female donkey to show the group they can contribute.

Yaya is annoyed by Carl and Abigail’s proximity to one another throughout a night of celebration to commemorate the men’s successful hunt. Yarmo has then kissed by Yaya before she leaves in a jealous rage. Long before Ruben Stlund’s dark comedy Triangle of Sadness made its debut at the renowned Palme d’Or-winning 2022 Cannes Film Festival, it was clear who would end up being the film’s standout character.

They are torn between wanting to be publicly recognized as a couple and having their connection be known to the public. Abigail doesn’t want to get in the way of Carl and Yaya since Carl isn’t sure whether he should end their relationship. Yaya quickly demonstrates an elevator to a five-star resort on the island, confirming this for Abigail.

Yaya believes they should go after the two of them hug, but Abigail objects, saying she needs to use the restroom. The situation now turns dangerous as Abigail must choose between returning to her previous life and keeping her position as captain. She picks up a rock and moves slowly in the direction of Yaya, who gives her a position as her assistant. She ultimately chooses the latter.

From Where did Abigail come?

Abigail’s background isn’t explored in Triangle of Sadness, but De Leon believed it was important to do so to make the character more believable. She claims, “I don’t know if all actresses do this, but I do.” “I always have a personal character secret. I always kept it a secret until after the movie had been seen. I used to perform songs and tell my co-actors, “I have a secret,” while we were filming on location.

I’ll share a tiny secret with you. I won’t share it with you! I’ll let you know later. “Yeah, me too. I have a secret,” they respond. She undoubtedly grew up close to a lake or the ocean, according to De Leon. She resided somewhere in the province of Cavite, which has on the island of Luzon, where I was born.

Dragonflies and butterflies were the closest thing to nature I had experienced because I have raised in the city. She grew up by a river, where her mother would go to do their laundry by the flowing water, and Abigail would play there with the other kids and catch fish and tadpoles. She began fishing at a young age, which is why she became so skilled.

De Leon asserts that it is clear Abigail was not raised in a fishing household since she only uses her bare hands to capture fish instead of using nets or boats. “I thought that had to come from a deep place, from when she was so young.

When you play pretend games as a youngster, it becomes deeply embedded in your brain. You truly believe it, and you grow incredibly excellent at it. That is what took place for her. De Leon purposefully made Abigail single, so she wouldn’t have to worry about finding someone to take her home, but playing that component of the role also required cautious movement. “

I had to make sure that was apparent and what conditions led to her becoming a single lady,” she adds to the fact that the woman is childless and has no relatives. “Because in the Philippines, that is practically unheard. We are all married and have families. There must be a pretty strong, solid explanation if we aren’t.

Abigail’s Story: What Does it mean for the triangle of sadness to end?

Yaya and Abigail are left alone together as the Triangle of Sadness comes to an end. They’ve recently learned that the island they once believed to be uninhabited and remote is a resort and a spa. Abigail will revert to being a menial servant as soon as they establish contact with the other island residents, and she could even run into legal issues due to how she treated her previous employers there.

She then takes up a rock and creeps up on Yaya, obviously intending to kill her before going back to the other people and lying about what they found. Yaya, who may or may not be entirely unaware of the danger, turns to face Abigail and offers the lady a position as her secretary once they reach the civilized territory.

It’s not the source of leadership Abigail has been using, but it’s also not murder and deceit. When Abigail pauses, the movie is over. The fact that Abigail possesses a deep sense of moral justice and a fierce desire for vengeance may make their choice more difficult. You decide which one wins.

Do Abigail’s dreams about the future after the movie’s conclusion mirror De Leon’s elaborate fantasies about her past? De Leon claims, “That question had posed several times, and I never get tired of responding to it because it’s fascinating to do so. The answer varies on the day, my mental state, and my circumstances. Of course, I have my conclusion in mind as I have recorded it.

A character, however, becomes eternal once they appear on film, and your perception of their story might alter how they had portrayed. Therefore, it relies on both the spectator and myself. She claims to have seen the movie three times, with a different finish each time. She has also heard from moviegoers who make up even more complex conclusions.

She claims to have already discussed some of her thoughts, but she would prefer if individuals came to their conclusion. Given her background and how she thinks about it, the viewers’ ability to understand what Abigail does next may be aided by their understanding of her biography.