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Explained: The End of “Loving Adults” on Netflix

Loving adult

The Danish movie “Loving Adults” is about suspense and nasty turns to preserve a failing marriage. It portrays Christian and Leonora as a long-married couple who have suddenly lost all love and respect for one another since Christian has recently begun having an affair.

How Leonora learns about it and what occurs next — dark and unexpected—make up the film’s main plot. The movie “Loving Adults” does a decent job of building suspense overall, even though the characters seem to have sprung out of a novel and are hardly likable.

Loving adult

Did Christian Get Arrested In The Ending of “Loving Adults”? Why Did Xenia’s Body Disappear?

The following day, Xenia’s neighbors report a break-in at her house to the police, but they are unaware that she has been killed because her body has not yet been found. However, after learning that the missing woman had previously worked for Christian’s company while investigating the crime, the police find Christian’s residence.

The police officer presenting this story thus far claims that they had a hunch that Christian was engaged in the crimes due to the odd manner he behaved, but they could not catch him because there was no proof or evidence.

Loving adult

When they meet with Christian and Leonora now, the couple first admits that they had spent the weekend at a spa in the neighborhood. Moreover, before making it abundantly plain that Xenia had been having an affair with Christian for about a year and that he had ended it on the day she vanished.

As they were leaving, the police officers shared their uncertainty over the circumstances surrounding the disappearance of Xenia’s body. They both believed she was murdered, and a burglary case might have made more sense if the body had been discovered inside the home.

Loving adult

But now that they are aware of Christian’s connection to the victim. They realize that the only circumstance in which the body could have been stolen would be if the killer had just had sex with the victim (as Christian had) and their DNA could be detected in the corpse.

So now they know that they must locate the body to file charges against Christian, and the police make every attempt to do it.

This whole narrative has been going on in the weeks before the Midsummer celebrations when the Danes usually burn a big stack of wood as a metaphor for burning witches. The only time this practice is mentioned explicitly is at the end.

Christian and a buddy had been constructing their stack of wood to burn on a platform in the center of a small lake for all these days, and it was within this stack that he and Leonora had hidden Xenia’s body.

The sniffer dogs of the police do help them find the spot before the festivities start, but the officers do not appear to know where the body might be. So, the police determine that it must have been a false lead by the time Christian sets fire to the entire stack, consuming the dead body.

Loving adult

Finally, the policeman and his daughter wrap off their conversation by speculating that some of the bones may have been uncharged. Next, the father is seen accompanying his daughter to the church where she will soon be married. Finally, Christian and Leonora are shown driving away from their home to a lake where they dispose of the remains of Xenia, who had survived her horrible cremation.

What Is The ‘Loving Adults’ Story All About?

On his daughter’s wedding day, a police officer sits with her and tries to warn her about the numerous risks of love that most people do not typically consider. He uses one instance where he is pretty convinced who the perpetrator is but cannot catch him. He claimed that this brutal murder was motivated by love, much like most violent murders.

Loving adults

Christian had been married to Leonora, his childhood sweetheart, for many years; the two had a teenage son named Johan. Christian was a successful engineer with his own construction company.

However, the two had been out of love for some time, so Leonora sensed something was wrong with her husband. Christian had received texts late at night from an unknown person, and Leonora once confronted him and demanded to see the messages.

When Christian threw the phone away to shatter it, Leonora was about to take it because she did not initially understand her husband when he said it was a coworker.

The following morning, the couple apologized to one another, but it was clear that neither of them had forgotten what had happened the previous evening. Furthermore, the coworker knew Christian as Xenia as he arrived at his place of employment.

It is soon established who Christian’s lover is because Xenia has been pleading with him to reveal their relationship since she learned that they have been enjoying a long-term relationship. Christian had promised his wife that he would end his ties with Leonora and marry her so they could have their own family, but he still feels awkward telling her. So instead, he keeps their relationship a secret from her.

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