A new week simply means new spoilers for One Piece fans, as these are the days that most of us look forward to. Well, it gets blank only if the manga is going on a break, but for now, the earliest spoilers have been released. We will take a look at One Piece Chapter 1074 Spoilers and how the upcoming chapter of the manga will continue. Things look even more interesting as we enter yet another chapter without much progress on the Straw Hat’s exit from Egg Head island.
But the upcoming chapter will bring forth more and more troubles for the crew. Because, at first, it looked like their exit would be straightforward. But now, with each chapter, it looks like things are getting worse and worse. First, it was the CP0 who have easily eliminated thanks to Stussy’s intervention. But now it looks like the Seraphims have turned against them, and not even the other Vegapunk Satellites could stop them.
We should also not forget that this is yet the simplest hurdle that they will have to confront because an admiral with an entire fleet plus one of the Five elders is on their way to stop them as well. There also seems to be a traitor amongst them, but that is also not one of their biggest problems that they should be worrying about.
A lot of fan theories have also been developed surrounding the latest developments, like how the Straw Hats will need to level up once again if they are to survive this one because we know that Admiral KIzaru and Saturn will stop at nothing to apprehend the entire crew.
One Piece Chapter 1074 Spoilers
The spoilers have been released early and confirmed by Etenboy
The chapter will be titled ‘Old Friend.’
- Rob and Kaku are finally freed.
- Rob and Luffy vs. S-Bear are confirmed.
- On the other hand, Kaku and Zoro vs. S-Hawk will also take place.
- S-Hawk has Mr. 1’s devil fruit abilities.
- The real Vegapunk is imprisoned together with some CP0 agents who have been locked up for months.
- Shanks is at Elbaf with the Giants (Brogy, Dory, and others)
- Kid has arrived at the coast of Elbaf.
Key Points from One Piece Chapter 1074 Spoilers

From the last chapter, we have been wondering to find out and see if Rob and Lucci will be granted their request. But it looks like the situation has become so dire such that freeing them might have worked out for the Strawhats.
On the other hand, the Seraphims have been labeled as the Strongest Humans alive, so the Strawhats could do with some help. Freeing the CP0 agents then led to the development of what would be the most epic fights we might have seen in a while because now the following fights will be taking place.
Rob and Luffy vs. S-Bear
This one means that Luffy alone might not be able to take on the most powerful Human Alive in the form of a modified S-Bear. And now that S-Bear has Kuma devil fruit powers, then he might be one opponent not to underestimate.
The fact that he will be taking on the two awakened Zoan users while one of them is at Younkou level just proves how powerful the Seraphims are. So we should soon see how this goes on as more and more spoilers are released. We haven’t really seen the true extent of Kuma’s powers in a fight, so this might be the chance to do see them here.
Kaku and Zoro vs S-Hawk
We used to wonder when Zoro would get to face Mihawk at full power. Zoro has proved himself and is even capable of cutting down the likes of Kaidou. But now he will be facing a robot modeled after Mihawk, who has all his skills and expertise in using the sword.
On top of that, it is further modified to have devil fruit powers, and he also has help from Kaku, so this will be an interesting fight to see. We will have to see Zoro enter the next level of his powers because the Seraphim S-Hawk, that is even as powerful as Mihawk, will not hold back at all.