Affleck openly acknowledged that his breakup with Paltrow had a profound impact on him. The duo had been in a relationship from 1997 to 2000, and Paltrow hinted that at the time, Affleck may not have been ready for a serious commitment. In retrospect, she believed that their relationship had served its purpose by helping her address some of her own unresolved issues.
Paltrow once shared her thoughts with Howard Stern (as reported by W Magazine): “I think there are certain boyfriends where you are trying to work stuff out, right? Like, you’re trying to heal certain stuff from your childhood, and he was very much a lesson in that way.”
Gwyneth Paltrow Believed ‘Bounce’ Would Provide Psychological Healing for Ben Affleck After Their Breakup
Affleck admitted that the breakup had a profound impact on him. However, Paltrow thought that their 2000 film “Bounce,” in which they played young lovers, could have been a way for him to move forward from the heartache. According to Affleck, when Paltrow initially read the script, they had just broken up, and their relationship was still strained.
She suggested that he take the role, saying, “You’ll be great.” Initially, he had doubts about playing the part, thinking he might be too young for it, but he began to believe that Paltrow might have arranged it to help him psychologically.

Affleck speculated, “Then it occurred to me that maybe she set the whole thing up so that I could have the opportunity to play this part. Not just because it would be good for my career but because it would give me a new sense of perspective by asking me to investigate certain psychological issues. I’m not sure if she would admit to that, but I believe it. And I was really touched. That’s what eventually allowed us to be friends.”
Gwyneth Paltrow Received Information About Ben Affleck’s Alleged Hidden Homosexuality Following Their Breakup
Despite being accustomed to rumors about himself due to his fame, one of the most peculiar rumors he heard emerged after his separation from Paltrow. Surprisingly, this rumor came from one of Paltrow’s close friends. Affleck recalled the incident, saying, “When I broke up with Gwyneth, somebody came to her – a friend of hers, a person I actually like – and said, ‘Well, I feel really bad telling you this, but I know people in the gay community who have slept with Ben.’” He found the gossip more amusing than upsetting and acknowledged that it was beyond belief.

Paltrow didn’t buy into her friend’s claim, and Affleck didn’t hold any grudges against her friend for spreading the rumor. Affleck humorously remarked, “And luckily, if you know me, that is the one thing that is outside the parameters of what’s believable, and so I was kind of off the hook because I was able to say, ‘You know me – do you see how ridiculous this is?’”
Ben Affleck’s Awkward Moments During Love Scenes with Gwyneth Paltrow in ‘Bounce
Regarding filming love scenes with his former partner shortly after their breakup, Affleck admitted to some discomfort. However, he commended himself for not letting his past feelings for Paltrow interfere with their on-screen performance. He remarked, “Of course, I found the love scenes with Gwyneth awkward… Making this film was difficult and challenging. It required another level of commitment and professionalism. I was proud that I was able to conduct myself like that. I’d probably not recommend it to anyone, but in my case, it worked out well, although it wasn’t easy.”