Muslim Relatives in Uganda Dismantle Family Member’s Home, Brick by Brick, Due to Conversion to Christianity

Muslims in Uganda Tear a Family Member’s Home Down Brick by Brick for Converting to Christianity

A man in Uganda who embraced Christianity at the start of the new year has faced severe consequences, including injuries and the loss of his home and family, according to sources.

Tambuze Marijani, a resident of Nangi village in Mayuge District, suffered a broken leg below the knee and other injuries after being assaulted by his Muslim relatives on January 4th. The incident followed Marijani’s attendance at a New Year’s Eve church service in Bugweri District, where he and 14 others converted to Christianity.

Upon returning home, Marijani shared the news of his conversion with his wife, but instead of joy, she was upset. On January 2nd, she left and returned the next day with an Islamic divorce letter, labeling Marijani an apostate and declaring him no longer part of the family or the Muslim community.

Muslims in Uganda Tear a Family Member’s Home Down Brick by Brick for Converting to Christianity

On January 4th, while working on his farm, Marijani witnessed his relatives, including his wife, damaging his house. They insulted and beat him, causing injuries that required nearly two weeks of hospital treatment. Marijani’s house became uninhabitable, and his former wife, along with their four children, was taken by Muslim relatives.

Facing an uncertain future, Marijani, still in fear for his life, has gone into hiding. Although the church covered his medical bills, financial constraints and uncertainty about reclaiming his land persist. Despite the challenges, Marijani remains hopeful, praying for a reunion with his children and seeking divine guidance for a place to stay.

This incident is another example of the documented persecution of Christians in Uganda, where the constitution and laws guarantee religious freedom. The Muslim population in Uganda is around 12%, with higher concentrations in the eastern regions of the country.

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