Ava Jones And Mother Hospitalized After Brutal Road Accident

The basketball player, Ava Jones, and his family had an accident on 6 July 2022. At that time, She was standing with her family on the street of Louisville when they were confronted by a horrific accident. The Police reached the crime scene and took them to the hospital. Ava Jones and her mother are both in the Intensive care unit.

Jones and her mother in medically induced comas

Jones and her mother are still at the Louisville hospital. They both are in medically induced comas. Mary Jonas, the grandmother of Ava, said Ava and her mother both are in stable condition, but her mother, Amy, is currently facing many problems. In comparison, Ava Jonas is stable but still in a critical situation. Ava Jonas’s father, Tery Jonas, couldn’t hold himself and died in Louisville hospital. Ava jones’s brother has some minor injury. He is okay now.

Ava Jones is in a medically-induced coma

Ava Jones is a famous basketball player. She was supposed to play for the University of Lowa, and she was a star player on the team. Jones visited Louisville to participate in the upcoming match of basketball. Ava is not in a situation to play basketball. she is in a medically-induced coma.

Eva Jones

Medically induced coma is a type of temporary coma where the patient is given a controlled dose of anesthesia which help the patient to protect the brain from swelling.

Michael Hurley, the driver, is arrested

It was reported that Michael Hurley was arrested. Michael Hurley, the driver, is a 33-year-old from the country Indiana. He has been taken into detention for three counts of crime. The first is for driving under the influence and the second for not having a license. He is charged with murder, too. The Department of Police in Louisville confirmed it.

However, it was confirmed that he was not drunk but took a drug called Opioid Hydrocodone. He said he was tired he could not make the turn because of the drug. According to the report, He took a left turn after he struck down Ava Jonas’s family.