What Happened To The Milwaukee Police Officers Who Returned Jeffrey Dahmer's Victim?

What Happened To The Milwaukee Police Officers Who Returned Jeffrey Dahmer’s Victim?

The show investigates the reasons behind and tactics used by serial murderer Jeffrey Dahmer in relation to the killings he carried out between 1978 and 1991. The cast and crew performed so well that the show has reached the top of Netflix’s most-watched series.

Police officials hand over a teenager to the serial murderer in The Jeffrey Dahmer Story, episode two. The officers encountered the aforementioned.

Evan Peters as Jeffery Dahmer in Dahmer- Monster the Jeffery Dahmer story (Credits: Forbes)

A Netflix American television series entitled Dahmer – Monster: The Jeffrey Dahmer Story portrays the life of serial murderer Jeffrey Dahmer. Along with Richard Jenkins, Molly Ringwald, Niecy Nash, and Michael Learned, it also featured Evan Peters as Dahmer and was produced by Ryan Murphy with Ian Brennan.

On September 21, 2022, is when the true crime series was released. In the first week after its debut, the series climbed to the top of the Netflix rankings. It garnered mixed reviews; some praised the performance, especially Evan Peters, who played Jeffrey Dhamer, while others thought it was manipulative and disturbing.


What Happened To Konerak Sinthasomphone?

In episode 2 of the true-crime program Monster, the sad death of Sinthasomphone is recounted. The 14-year-old boy was drawn to Jeffrey Dahmer’s flat by the promise of money in exchange for posing for nude pictures. Dahmer drugged and assaulted Sinthasomphone there before snapping pictures of his lifeless corpse.

On the evening of May 27, 1991, Sinthasomphone fled when Dahmer went to get beer, and Glenda Cleveland discovered him outside before calling the police. He succeeded in escaping Dahmer’s flat. Nichole Childress and Sandra Smith noticed the youngster and became worried when they saw the condition Sinthasomphone was in.

The two police officers, John Balcerzak and Joseph Gabrish, left Sinthasomphone with Dahmer in his apartment, and after that, Dahmer killed him. However, in reality. It wasn’t Cleveland who found the 14-year-old boy, but she had a connection with the event. The true crime episode 2 ends with real-life events, phone calls between the two police officers and Cleveland, and she was shocked when the police officers let Sinthasomphone with Dahmer.

The Milwaukee police also believed Sinthasomphone was Dahmer’s 19-year-old boyfriend. After 30 minutes, when the two police left, Dahmer killed the 14-year-old boy.

On May 27, 1991, The cops left Dahmer, Netflix series, ‘Monster: The Jeffrey Dahmer Story (Credits: Netflix)

What Happened To The Milwaukee Police Who Returned Konerak Sinthasomphone To Jeffrey Dahmer

July 22, 1991, Jeffrey Dahmer was arrested after Tracy Edwards managed to escape from his apartment. After the investigation into the Dahmer murders, they found that Balcerzak and Gabrish also failed to solve the case on their own. They did not search any of his previous residences for evidence or take any other investigative steps regarding previous murders, which will be shown in the file that Dahmer was a recorded sex offender, including molesting Sinthasomphone’s older brother, Somsack Sinthasomphone, in 1988.

Dahmer admitted if the Milwaukee police had searched his apartment at the time, they would have found the body of his other victim in his bedroom. Instead, they passed their file off to the Milwaukee County district attorney for investigation and prosecution when they brought Dahmer in for questioning.

This decision has led some critics to label this case an example of systemic corruption in law enforcement agencies; they faced criticisms, and it appears that someone high up in the Milwaukee PD is responsible for allowing Dahmer and his minor victim to escape when he was eventually apprehended. After an inquiry, the two police officers,  Balcerzak and Gabrish, were terminated. But three years later, they were given their positions again. To make matters worse, they received back pay awards totaling $55,000, according to Decider.

Police arresting Jeffery Dahmer scene in Dahmer show (Credits: Netflix)

Balcerzak justified their conduct that terrible night, stating, “At the time, with the knowledge we had — to this day, I think we did the right thing, the best that we could,” as stated in an Associated Press account from 1991. In the same article, Gabrish said they believed Dahmer’s account since he prepared to collaborate with the police. “I wish there had been some additional informational piece or proof accessible to us,” he said.


Fact about Gaberish and Balcerzak (Credits: Twitter)


According to a story from Heavy, Gabrish departed the Milwaukee Police Department and later served as the Grafton Police Department’s acting chief of police. He has supposedly also retired as of late.