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The Specter of Thurlow Weed Searches for Donald Trump

Credits: BuzzFeed News

President Donald Trump, hear this counsel from Thurlow Weed, a figure often hailed as the “Wizard of the Lobby” in the realm of Republican party politics: The die is cast for the 2024 Republican primary; it’s a closed chapter.

Now is the juncture to channel all your energies into the broader campaign. President Joe Biden’s administration is imploding, ensnared by its own ineptitude and frail leadership.

The economic landscape is bleak, and the global order is teetering into disorder, largely because world leaders perceive the feeble incumbent in the White House as an accommodating weakling.

Donald Trump (Credits: People)

Mr. Biden grapples with an inability to reason, articulate, or even walk with surety. The verdict is clear; he cannot, and should not, be at the helm in 2025. This truth is evident to even the most casual onlooker.

The current state of affairs draws parallels to the United States in 1840 when, alongside other distinguished Whiggish figures, I supported Gen. William Henry Harrison against the then sitting president, Democrat Martin Van Buren.

The nation was in the throes of a severe economic downturn, marked by numerous bank and business failures, with thousands losing their properties. Van Buren, despite his talent and experience, appeared as an out-of-touch dandy overwhelmed by the crisis.

In that election, we advised Gen. Harrison to remain subdued, avoiding strong stances on issues. Drawing inspiration from the wisdom of French Emperor Napoleon, who urged not interrupting an enemy in the act of making a mistake, Harrison stayed silent, letting Van Buren founder in his own missteps, ultimately securing victory.

For you, Mr. Trump, as a former president with a commendable record, leverage this advantage against Mr. Biden’s tenure. The 2024 election pivots on the past, contrasting your previous term with Biden’s, rather than future promises.

Take a page from my friend Mr. Nicholas Biddle and refrain from uttering a word unless it praises your record or criticizes Biden’s economic, foreign policy, infirmity, or corruption lapses. Silence, unwavering and absolute, on all other matters.

Any deviation poses unnecessary risks. Refrain from revisiting claims of the Democrats rigging the 2020 election. Republican voters are aware, and further emphasis won’t sway them. Focus on appealing to non-Republicans by letting the issue rest. The important goal is victory.

Recognize the workings of the American system. The Democrats secured 2020 in their favor, fair or otherwise. Acknowledge this reality and concentrate on preventing future manipulations, maintaining a strategic silence.

Ignore the Democrats’ desperate attacks, especially those questioning your fitness. Such accusations can be easily refuted by your everyday actions. Spare yourself the reference to cognitive tests, as it only serves as fodder for satire on television.

Winners exhibit decisive ability, strategic acumen, and smart actions. Your previous avoidance of Republican debates during the primary season showcased strategic thinking. Engage in events that won’t jeopardize your standing for the general campaign.

President Trump, heed this advice from my extensive experience in American party politics. Take or disregard it at your discretion, but unlike your high-priced aides, my words come free of charge. In my position, wealth holds no allure.

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