Some long-time followers have been reaching out to me in recent years, questioning my stance on vaccines, urging me to review various materials they’ve sent my way, and advocating for alternative approaches to vaccines and treatments recommended by mainstream medical experts.
They share persuasive claims and reports alleging that we’re being misled about the safety and effectiveness of current vaccination policies. Despite their longstanding trust in me and my work, some now believe that I’ve lost my ability to see “what is really going on.”
With COVID-19 continuing to impact the world and with the latest variant causing disruption, albeit less severe than before, I think it’s important to address some of these ongoing questions and claims.

Firstly, I want to reiterate that I am not a medical expert or scientist, and I do not have the expertise to evaluate all the information I receive.
However, regarding many of the COVID-19-related issues raised, I’ve been able to apply logic, common sense, and traditional journalistic standards.
This has led me to quickly recognize the shaky ground on which Bobby Kennedy Jr. and other anti-vaccine advocates stand. Simply put, when examining their claims for accuracy, substantiation, and credibility, it becomes clear that they often do not hold up to scrutiny.