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Opinion: Three Reasons China Would Prefer Trump Over Biden

Credits: Bloomberg

In this country, a false logic has taken hold. Trump talks tough about China, and he promises a wave of new tariffs on imports. Therefore, the thinking goes, China must not want Trump to return to the White House; Xi would favor the reelection of President Biden.

That conclusion is wrong. China not only isn’t worried about the prospect of a second Trump presidency, it would choose it over a continuation of Biden and the Democrats.

First, Trump is precisely the sort of leader China knows how to deal with. He has a huge ego and thinks only he can resolve problems through deals he thinks only he can make.


Trump (Credits: NBC News)

Remember: Trump believed he alone could get North Korea to curb its nuclear weapons program by meeting with its leader, Kim Jong Un. His clumsy efforts at deal-making brought forth lots of drama and no results.

On the other hand, Biden is seen as a more predictable and stable leader. While he may maintain a tough stance on some issues, such as human rights and intellectual property theft, China is confident in its ability to navigate and manage relations with a more traditional and established politician like Biden.

Second, Trump’s chaotic and unpredictable approach to foreign policy creates uncertainty and instability, which can be damaging to China’s long-term strategic interests.

Biden, on the other hand, is seen as more likely to follow established diplomatic norms and protocols, making it easier for China to engage with the United States on a range of issues.

Biden and Trump (Credits: KGUN 9)

Third, Trump’s “America First” policy has led to increased isolationism and a more unilateral approach to foreign policy, which has been detrimental to China’s efforts to expand its influence globally.

Biden, on the other hand, is more likely to engage with the international community and support multilateral approaches to global challenges, which aligns more closely with China’s own foreign policy objectives.

While Trump may talk tough on China, his presidency would actually be more favorable to China’s interests than a continuation of Biden’s presidency.

Trump’s unpredictable and chaotic approach to foreign policy creates uncertainty and instability, which China sees as damaging to its long-term strategic interests.

Biden, on the other hand, is seen as a more predictable and stable leader who is likely to follow established diplomatic norms, making it easier for China to engage with the United States on its own terms.

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