Former Senior Police Officer Declines Appeals for SNP to Retrieve £110k Camper Van Prior to Conclusion of Operation Branchform

(Credits: STV News)

Sir Iain Livingstone, the former Chief Constable of Police Scotland, has rebuffed the SNP’s calls to return their £110k camper van, asserting that it should remain in police custody until the conclusion of Operation Branchform.

Operation Branchform is an investigation into the SNP’s finances sparked by a raid on the marital home of Peter Murrell and Nicola Sturgeon last April during Sir Iain’s tenure.

In response to inquiries about returning the camper van, Sir Iain emphasized the need for a decision from the Crown Office before taking any action. He defended the thoroughness and duration of the investigation, countering accusations of it being overly protracted. Refusing to offer public advice to his successor, Jo Farrell, Sir Iain underscored the importance of her addressing the challenges ahead independently.

Iain Livingstone (Credits: Sky News)

Regarding criticisms of the initial search operation as heavy-handed, Sir Iain maintained that it was proportionate and necessary, considering the circumstances. The ongoing investigation is being conducted in collaboration with senior professional prosecutors from the Crown Office, ensuring independence from political influence.

Reflecting on his previous statement urging the swift conclusion of Operation Branchform, Sir Iain reiterated his belief in the importance of bringing the investigation to a close. He emphasized the longstanding collaboration between the police and prosecutors and expressed confidence in their continued partnership.

Livingstone (Credits: BBC)

As Sir Iain has retired, he affirmed that Operation Branchform is no longer within his purview. However, he stood by the actions taken during his tenure, asserting the commitment to upholding justice and the rule of law.

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