Tories Dip in Polls, Reform Continues to Surge

Reform on the Rise (Credits: Guido Fawkes)

The Conservative Party is worried because fewer people who voted for them in 2019 are planning to vote for them again, according to a recent poll by Helm/Deltapoll.

It’s the lowest level of support they’ve seen in a while. Even though the Tories say things won’t worsen before the election, the numbers don’t look good.

Another YouGov poll has shown something surprising: More men support Reform UK than Conservatives. This means that 19% of men like Tice’s party, while only 17% support the Conservatives.

Reform UK (Credits: The Epoch Times)

Lee Anderson’s new party is also doing better than the Conservatives in certain areas, like the Red Wall. They have 18% support compared to the Tories’ 17%.

And this is all without Nigel Farage joining Reform UK. If he does, it could make the party stronger by two points. People are waiting to see what Farage does after the local elections.

This news is not suitable for the Conservative Party. It shows that they might struggle in the upcoming elections. Although they are still hopeful, the polls are worrying.

The Conservative Party ( Credits: Tribune)

The rise of Reform UK, especially among men and in important areas like the Red Wall, makes things even harder for the Conservatives. If Nigel Farage joins Reform UK, things could be even more difficult for the Tories.

So, the Conservative Party might need to change its plans and messages to win back voters. The results of the local elections and Nigel Farage’s decisions will be important in shaping what happens next. The Tories must be careful and intelligent to stay competitive in future elections.

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