Father Gerald Murray, pastor of the Holy Family Church in New York City, shared his reflections on the recent solar eclipse during an interview with Newsmax on Tuesday. Murray emphasized that events like eclipses remind people of the “mysterious creation” around us, urging people to seek understanding.
According to Murray, the sun’s daily rising is a profound reminder of God’s sovereignty, as it underscores the divine order in the universe. He noted that human life and intelligence are gifts from God, highlighting the aim of acknowledging God’s presence and guidance in all aspects of life.

Murray encouraged people to approach astronomical phenomena with curiosity and a desire for comprehension. He recognized that behind the complexity of creation lies the Creator. He emphasized the importance of discerning God’s will and purpose in one’s life.
While Murray acknowledged the theological importance of events like solar eclipses, he also highlighted the joy of experiencing such natural wonders firsthand. He shared his experience observing the eclipse with others, finding awe in the celestial spectacle.

However, Murray underscored that the ultimate marvel is the resurrection of Jesus Christ, celebrated during Easter. He emphasized the profound truth that God is in control, urging individuals to acknowledge and embrace this divine reality.
In Murray’s view, events like solar eclipses serve as opportunities for both awe and reflection, prompting individuals to contemplate the mysteries of creation and the overarching presence of God.