Survivor of China’s Cultural Revolution Warns of Communist Indoctrination Among Youth, Comparing it to Potential Risks in the US

Xi Van Fleet, the author of “Mao’s America – A Survivor’s Warning,” joined Jack Posobiec on Human Events Daily to share her firsthand experiences of living under Mao’s Marxist rule in China during the Cultural Revolution.

Van Fleet spent her formative years witnessing the revolution’s tumultuous effects before being relocated to rural China by Mao himself. It wasn’t until Mao’s death that she could pursue higher education, eventually immigrating to America in 1986. Despite initially maintaining political neutrality, Van Fleet felt compelled to speak out in 2020 after observing concerning trends in the United States.

Her awakening came when she delivered a passionate speech against Critical Race Theory at a Loudon County school board meeting, which propelled her to viral fame. Drawing parallels between the indoctrination she witnessed in China and current trends in the US, Van Fleet issues a stark warning to Americans about the dangers she perceives in the country’s trajectory.

Posobiec highlighted Mao’s strategy of conducting a “revolution within a revolution,” consolidating power within the CCP through the mobilization of Chinese youth, known as the “Red Guard.” Van Fleet recounted how the Cultural Revolution unfolded rapidly, with targeted attacks on educators and intellectuals becoming commonplace, reminiscent of today’s cancel culture phenomenon.

Survivor of China's Cultural Revolution Warns of Communist Indoctrination Among Youth, Comparing it to Potential Risks in the US
Survivor of China’s Cultural Revolution Warns of Communist Indoctrination Among Youth, Comparing it to Potential Risks in the US (Credits: The New York Times)

She recounted harrowing instances of violence during struggle sessions, where educators were publicly humiliated, tortured, and even killed by their own students. Van Fleet attributed this brutality to the indoctrination of youth by Mao’s government, stripping them of critical thinking skills and instilling blind loyalty to the party.

In Van Fleet’s view, the destruction of statues and churches, akin to Mao’s erasure of historical and cultural symbols, mirrors the cancel culture prevalent in contemporary America. She emphasized the role of indoctrination in fostering hatred and extremism, drawing parallels between the blind allegiance to Mao and the demonization of political opponents in the US today.

Van Fleet expressed concern over the demonization of certain political identities under the current administration, likening it to the persecution experienced by those labeled as enemies of the state during Mao’s reign. She noted the shift of struggle sessions to online platforms, where individuals deemed as dissenters face public shaming and ostracization.

Van Fleet’s firsthand account serves as a cautionary tale, urging Americans to recognize the parallels between Mao’s China and present-day America. Through her experiences, she warns against the dangers of indoctrination, political extremism, and the erosion of critical thinking in society.