Joe Biden (Credits: Reuters)

AP Poll Indicates Further Negative Developments for Biden

A fresh poll just added to the heap of bad news for President Joe Biden. Most Americans aren’t happy with how he’s handling the key issues of living costs and border security.

According to an AP/NORC survey, 58% think Biden has made living costs worse, and 56% say the same about immigration and border security. Comparatively, only 40% and 37% thought Trump did a bad job on these issues. The survey’s margin of error is 3.9 percentage points.

President Joe Biden of USA (Credits: KCUR)

One Texan, 60-year-old Christina Elliott, a Republican, reminisced about Trump’s term, saying, “Considering the price of gas, the price of groceries, the economy — I did very well during those four years. I didn’t have to worry about filling up my tank or losing half of my paycheck to the grocery store.”

Other recent polls tell a similar story, especially among crucial voter groups. A poll by Ipsos showed that Latino Americans prefer Trump over Biden on the U.S. economy by 42% to 20%. Trump also leads on crime and public safety, with 31% to Biden’s 20%.

Joe Biden (Credits: India TV News)

A Wall Street Journal poll across seven swing states found Biden losing support among Black men, with 30% saying they plan to vote for Trump. Among Black women, 42% were categorized as up for grabs by pollsters. In a recent New York Times survey, Trump supporters were twice as likely to feel happy about the election as Biden supporters.

Real Clear Politics has Trump slightly ahead of Biden by 0.2 points. These polls paint a challenging picture for Biden’s presidency, indicating widespread dissatisfaction with his handling of key issues among various demographic groups.