Congress has been mired in debates over budget bills, facing government shutdown deadlines and struggling to find consensus in a divided Congress. However, there is one area where bipartisan reform could save both money and lives: kidney transplants and increasing living donations.
Currently, living kidney donation lacks meaningful federal support despite the impressive efforts of nonprofits and transplant centers. Legislation is needed to establish a comprehensive national living organ donor support system.

This system would include kidney transplant navigators for recipients and donors, clarify reimbursement for living donors’ expenses, and implement a national living donor education program.
The potential cost savings and improved healthcare outcomes from focusing on living donors are substantial. Private reports have estimated over $6 billion in savings by replacing costly dialysis treatments with kidney transplants.
This shift would not only save money but also save lives, as thousands of Americans are currently waiting for kidney transplants, and many die each day while waiting.

Although these reforms won’t happen overnight, they offer a solution to address the growing waiting list for kidney transplants and the increasing number of deaths resulting from the shortage of organs. By prioritizing living kidney donations, Congress can make an impact on both healthcare costs and patient outcomes.
As lawmakers continue to debate healthcare reform, these provisions offer a non-controversial, common-sense plan for improving the nation’s health and financial future.