President Biden (Credits: ABP Live - ABP News)

Biden to Criticize Trump’s Tax Policies in Hometown of Scranton, Pennsylvania

President Biden is embarking on a campaign swing in Pennsylvania, beginning with a visit to his hometown of Scranton on Tuesday, where he plans to critique former President Trump’s tax policies.

Biden will highlight what he views as Trump’s three-point tax plan if re-elected, starting with a proposal to lower taxes for billionaires by repealing the Affordable Care Act.

He will argue that this move would disproportionately benefit the wealthiest Americans. Trump’s previous comments on seeking alternatives to the ACA will likely feature prominently in Biden’s remarks.

Donald Trump (Credits: CNBC)

The president will also address Trump’s intention to provide tax breaks to large corporations by lowering the corporate tax rate and extending the 2017 tax cuts.

Biden’s tax plan aims to increase the corporate tax rate to 28 percent and ensure that billion-dollar corporations pay a minimum of 21 percent in taxes. He also plans to impose a 21 percent rate on multinational corporations.

Biden will further criticize Trump’s proposal to repeal funding for the IRS included in the Democrats’ Inflation Reduction Act, arguing that this move would enable wealthy tax cheats to evade their tax obligations.

Meanwhile, discussions surrounding the extension of Trump’s tax cuts are anticipated in the lead-up to the 2024 election, with Democrats opposing blanket extensions while Republicans seek to continue them.

Emphasizing his own tax plan, Biden will reaffirm his commitment to preventing individuals earning under $400,000 from paying more in federal taxes, ensuring that wealthy Americans pay their fair share, and closing tax loopholes.

Biden (Credits: Los Angeles Times)

Campaign manager Julie Chavez Rodriguez underscored the importance of Biden’s speech in Scranton, framing it as a reflection of his upbringing and worldview. She emphasized the choice between a tax code benefiting the rich or the middle class, aligning Biden’s stance with the interests of Pennsylvania voters.

During his visit to Pennsylvania, Biden will spend time in Lackawanna, Allegheny, and Philadelphia counties, key areas in the battleground state. Rodriguez highlighted issues such as job creation, union support, protecting democracy, and preserving abortion access as priorities for Pennsylvanians that resonate with Biden’s agenda.

The campaign has been bolstered by infrastructure improvements, including the opening of 14 offices, engagement of 1,700 volunteers, and the launch of key coalitions like Out for Biden-Harris, Latinos con Biden-Harris, and Women for Biden-Harris.

Recent polling shows Biden leading Trump by 10 points in Pennsylvania, reinforcing the importance of the state in the upcoming election.