FBI serves subpoenas at Chicago suburb of scandal-ridden ‘supermayor’ Tiffany Henyard

FBI Sends Legal Notices to Mayor Henyard’s Hometown in Chicago Suburb

Mayor Tiffany Henyard of Dolton, Illinois, has been under intense scrutiny for alleged corruption and misconduct, earning her the unflattering title of “worst mayor in America.” Accusations against her range from misusing taxpayer money on luxuries during a Las Vegas trip to being involved in a sexual assault incident. The FBI recently served subpoenas in Dolton, targeting records of 25 employees, including police officers and Henyard’s top aide, Keith Freeman, who faces charges of bankruptcy fraud.

The subpoenas indicate a significant escalation in the investigation into Henyard’s administration. The first subpoena demands employment records and personnel files, while the second targets Freeman’s records and any potential ties to the village. Observers like Burt Odelson, the Legislative Counsel for the Village of Dolton Board of Trustees, interpret this as a sign that the “House of Cards” in Henyard’s administration is collapsing.

FBI Sends Legal Notices to Mayor Henyard's Hometown in Chicago Suburb
FBI Sends Legal Notices to Mayor Henyard’s Hometown in Chicago Suburb (Credits: Sky News Australia)

Despite the FBI’s actions, Henyard herself was not served. This follows reports from February revealing that the FBI was investigating her conduct based on information provided by several individuals, including business owners and former village employees. The Village of Dolton had previously attempted to launch a federal investigation into Henyard’s alleged misuse of funds but was met with a veto from the mayor.

In response to the federal scrutiny, the Village of Dolton decided to enlist former Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot as a “Special Investigator” to look into Henyard’s conduct. Lightfoot’s role includes investigating allegations of spending and finance mismanagement, as well as potential state and federal violations. The decision to bring in Lightfoot underscores the seriousness of the allegations against Henyard and the need for an impartial investigation.

Throughout the controversies, Henyard has faced criticism from both residents and officials. Despite attempts to dismiss allegations as false narratives or attacks on her race, the mounting evidence and public outcry have continued. Reports have surfaced detailing Henyard’s extravagant lifestyle, including a substantial salary and frequent use of beauty vendors, in stark contrast to the town’s median income.

Henyard’s meeting with President Biden and her assertion that “God chose me” have not shielded her from the consequences of her alleged actions. With federal subpoenas now in play and ongoing investigations by both federal authorities and a special investigator, the pressure on Henyard continues to mount, signaling potentially dire consequences for her political future.