By relaxing federal regulations on marijuana, the Biden administration may enhance the president’s support among younger voters. This demographic played a pivotal role in his 2020 victory but has displayed a diminishing level of enthusiasm for his reelection bid.
The Drug Enforcement Administration‘s decision to advance the reclassification of marijuana from a Schedule I to a Schedule III substance marks a remarkable federal action on the drug, the first of its kind since its initial scheduling in 1970. While not tantamount to full decriminalization, this shift, once finalized, would reduce the severity of marijuana-related offenses at the federal level.
Celinda Lake, a Democratic pollster and strategist, suggests that coupling this regulatory change with a criminal justice reform narrative could resonate with young voters. Linking marijuana policy reform with broader issues such as abortion rights, threats to democracy, and student loans could further appeal to this demographic.

Despite the welcomed move by marijuana advocates, criticisms have emerged regarding its failure to fully meet demands for complete decriminalization, a stance Biden supported during his 2020 campaign. The jurisdictional limitations inherent in the rescheduling process have been cited as a hindrance, prompting suggestions to align marijuana policy reform with broader criminal justice reform efforts.
While Biden secured a substantial lead among voters younger than 30 in the 2020 election, recent polls indicate a decline in support among this demographic. To regain ground, outreach efforts need to prioritize addressing the diverse concerns of young voters across different states.
The majority of Americans, particularly those under 30, support some form of marijuana legalization. However, the reclassification to Schedule III falls short of addressing broader issues, such as racial disparities in drug enforcement.
While critics argue that the rescheduling does not go far enough, proponents see it as progress on an issue important to young voters. Biden’s administration has taken steps on other campaign promises, such as student debt cancellation and climate change initiatives, but criticisms persist regarding the extent of these actions.
To secure more support from young voters, Biden must articulate concrete plans and focus on key swing states with outstanding youth populations. Engaging with third-party options in swing states like Wisconsin, Ohio, and Florida could prove crucial in bolstering youth voter confidence in the administration’s priorities.