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Slovak Prime Minister Fico’s Condition Improves, Says Deputy, but Remains Serious

Slovak PM's Condition Stabilizes After Shooting

Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico remains in serious condition following an assassination attempt four days ago, but his immediate danger has subsided, according to Deputy Prime Minister Robert Kalinak.

Speaking at a news conference outside the hospital in Banska Bystrica, Kalinak reassured the public, stating, “We are all a little calmer now.” Fico, 59, was critically injured by four bullets on Wednesday in an attack that has heightened concerns over Slovakia’s polarized political environment.

Life Threat Subsides for Slovak PM After Shooting

Kalinak emphasized that while Fico’s life is no longer in imminent danger, his condition remains severe, necessitating intensive care. “The prime minister has stepped away from his life being in danger, but his condition remains serious and requires intensive care,” he noted, adding that transferring Fico to a hospital in the capital is not yet feasible.

Slovakia’s President-elect, who visited Fico in the hospital, reported that the prime minister was conscious and able to speak. The police have charged a 71-year-old man with attempted murder, attributing the attack to political motives. The suspect, identified as Juraj C., will remain in custody following a decision by the Slovak Specialised Criminal Court.

The shooting is the first remarkable assassination attempt on a European political leader in over two decades, prompting widespread international condemnation.

Analysts and lawmakers have expressed concerns that the incident highlights a growingly volatile and polarized political atmosphere in Slovakia and across Europe.

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