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China Condemns Taiwan Leader’s Inaugural Speech as Sending “Dangerous Signal”

China Criticizes Taiwan's Lai for Sending 'Dangerous Signal'

China has strongly criticized Taiwan’s new leader, Lai Ching-te, accusing him of promoting separatism and endangering cross-strait peace and stability in his inaugural speech on Monday.

Chen Binhua, a spokesman for the State Council Taiwan Affairs Office, condemned Lai’s remarks, stating that they “stubbornly” advocated for Taiwan’s independence and incited confrontation with mainland China.

Chen further asserted that Lai’s stance disregarded the desires of the majority of Taiwanese people, who prioritize peace and development over conflict and economic downturns. According to Chen, Lai’s speech revealed his true intentions as a proponent of Taiwan’s independence.

China Denounces ‘Dangerous Signal’ from Taiwan’s Lai

In his address, Lai, representing the Democratic Progressive Party, pledged to maintain the current status quo in cross-strait relations and expressed a willingness to engage in dialogue with Beijing. He also called on China to halt its military and political threats, emphasizing Taiwan’s commitment to defending its sovereignty.

Meanwhile, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Wang Wenbin echoed similar sentiments during a press conference in Beijing, stating that Taiwan independence is destined to fail.

He reiterated China’s stance that both sides of the Taiwan Strait belong to “one China” and emphasized the inevitability of reunification. Wang also warned that separatist efforts would lead to a dead end, underscoring China’s unwavering position on the issue.

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