Read One Piece Chapter 1063 Spoilers & Reddit Raw Leaks – Law Vs Blackbeard

We have another interesting One Piece chapter coming up! The upcoming One Piece Chapter 1063 is going to feature Law Vs. Blackbeard. We have rough spoilers for the chapter, and the story is currently developing, so we will change the post as we have more updates.

One Piece Chapter 1063 is titled “My Only Family” in the cover, we see Cracker, who is frozen, and Brulee is crying, and she is saying that Pudding has been kidnapped.

Read One Piece Chapter 1063 Spoilers

We also see Luffy, Chopper, Jinbe, and Bonney as they change their clothes with a particular Vegapunk machine. Luffy, Chopper, and Bonney wear futuristic clothes, and Jinbe wears Hawaiian clothes.

They met Kuma, a police robot with a uniform. He’s different from the real Kuma; he wears round sunglasses and has robotic shoulders.

Kuma attacks them. Luffy is about to punch Kuma, but Bonney stops him. Bonney doesn’t want Luffy to punch Kuma as he is her real father and her only family.

Read One Piece Chapter 1063

In this chapter, we also get to see an image of younger Kuma holding Bonney when she was still young.

We won’t get any updates regarding Zoro, Franky, Nami, Usopp, Brook, and Robin in this chapter.

Cut to another place; we see that Blackbeard is ambushing Law in the middle of the sea.

Blackbeard brings with him Jesus Burgess, Van Augur, Doc Q, and Stronger. All of them have the power of an Akuma no Mi.

Jesus Burgess: Riki Riki no Mi, he has abnormal strength. Doc Q: Shiku Shiku no Mi, he can infect people with sickness, Van Augur: Wapu Wapu no Mi, he can teleport people; Stronger: Uma Uma no Mi Mythical Zoan, Model: Pegasus, well he can transform into a pegasus.

Law escapes to a nearby island, but Van Augur teleports Burgess first. Burgess lifts an entire mountain and throws it to Law.

Doc Q arrives riding Stronger. Blackbeard is on top of them both.

Doc Q uses his powers to turn Law into a woman for a moment, but Law uses his Haki to break Doc Q’s disease power.

Law says that a strong Haki can nullify Akuma no Mi’s powers. He says, too, that he learned a lot from the battle against Kaidou and Big Mom.

Blackbeard appears in front of Law. Blackbeard was wondering which one of the three captains that left Wanokuni would cross paths with him first.

On the final page, Blackbeard and Law are ready to fight.

Blackbeard: “Kaidou must have had one of them… So I will take all your Road Poneglyph!!”

Law: “I’m ready!! Winner takes all!”

One Piece Chapter 1063 spoilers development continues

We will update the spoiler as we have it!