Did Wanda Really Die In Doctor Strange In The MUltiverse Of Madness?

Did Wanda Really Die In Doctor Strange In The Multiverse Of Madness?

Does anyone ever die in Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU)? We really have our suspicions. But, there is one thing that we can be sure about, The writers and production at MCU can do anything with any character. They turned Wanda Maximoff, a.k.a the Scarlet Witch, into the main antagonist in “Doctor Strange in Multiverse of Madness.” It took six long years to complete this movie that offers adventure between multiple universes. The film really had to go through some serious hurdles, such as director change, several reshoots, and a long and disastrous pandemic.

But such turbulence it created among the fans, the movie is immensely loved by fans worldwide. It can be said that the director Sam Raimi and the writers Michael Waldron and Jade Bartlett did an excellent job. The film essentially presents a relatably new superhero to you, Miss America Chavez. Her powers of hopping universes can prove a great deal in future films. The movie entertained the audience but indeed made them raise some questions, “Is Wanda dead?” is one of the questions that is really troubling the fans. What if we never really got to see her again. Let’s analyze all the information we have and get you your answers.

The article contains major spoilers, so read it at your own risk. Besides, if you haven’t yet watched the movie, you can enjoy it on DisneyPlus.

Is Wanda Dead?

Wanda Maximoff gets access to “Darkhold,” which opens the world of dark magic and evil. And Doctor Strange saw her using evil powers and Darkhold to track down America Chavez. Wanda wants to reunite with her children, and for it, she is ready to take whichever path. She made a disastrous plan to use America’s powers of hopping the universe and go into the universe where there is a happy Wanda; She wants to kill her and take her place. So, this lady does not seem like your avenger hero? Well, she is not; her soul is captured by Darkhold. She started causing disasters in universes.

Did Wanda Really Die In Doctor Strange In The MUltiverse Of Madness?


It took some time for Strange, America, and Wong to understand that Wanda causes absolute havoc. So, they traveled to multiple universes to fix the situation. Likewise, Wanda follows them and fails their every plan. From destroying Vishanti (opposite book for the Darkhold) to brutally killing people, She did everything that comes under evil deeds. In short, Wanda went full evil to complete her mission. However, when she was on the verge of succeeding, Chavez punched her into the universe 838, where she watched what she would become and how her children were scared of her.

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Wanda comes back to her senses and sacrifices herself to destroy Darkhold. The Wundagore Mountain crumbled over her, and we saw a red smoke signifying that she was dead. Also, on asking where she was, Strange shook his head, stating she did not make out. But, one crucial detail to note is that they did not show her body. And given Marvel’s history of bringing back the characters from the dead, there are strong chances that Wanda will return.

What Can MCU And Scarlet Witch fans Expect Now?

Let’s look at the writer’s take on the whole situation. In one of his interviews, Michael Waldron stated that Wanda’s death is up for the audience’s interpretation. Michael’s hesitation in not admitting she is dead can be taken as a hint that she will be back. He further said that since she sacrificed herself and destroyed Darkhold in every universe, she saved Wanda from different universes from getting manipulated by the Darkhold. Another hint! There are some rumors of a Scarlet Witch-centric film, and if that is the case, then certainly she will be back. Waldron also justified Wanda’s behavior in the movie; He said that it is just the result of the grief she got in the “WandaVision.” We are slightly convinced that Wanda Maximoff, a.k.a the Scarlet Witch, will be back. However, whatever happens, we are sure that MCU will not disappoint us.