Daredevil Film

All The Details Of Filming Location Of Daredevil Are Here!

Daredevil is a Fictional Character in the Marvel Comics. The Daredevil movie released in 2003 was not a great success at that time. Still, Marvel decided to make a series on this character. The first season of Marvel’s Daredevil came out in 2015. Soon after its release, Daredevil became one of the most popular TV Series globally. The story of this series is based in a rough neighborhood named Hell’s Kitchen on the West Side of Midtown Manhatten, New York. The daredevil filming location was mostly in New York City and its different neighborhoods. The main character of this series is Matt Murdock played by Charlie Cox. He lost his eyesight in an accident.

Despite losing his eyesight, he was able to use his other four senses at an extraordinary level. Matt had a rough traumatic life growing up in that neighborhood because some thugs killed his father. He became a lawyer but he also became a vigilante. He started delivering justice to those who deserved it and became The Devil of Hell’s Kitchen.

Daredevil Filming Location

Frank Miller, the writer and sketch artist of the Comics of Daredevil showed Hell’s Kitchen in a completely different way. There have been a lot of changes in Frank Miller’s version of Hell’s Kitchen and what we know now. And because of this, Showrunners kept the story in a fictional Hell’s Kitchen but Daredevil Filming Locations were set all over New York City. It was really tough for the producer and directors to film the series in the original city of Hell’s Kitchen.

Drew Goddard was the executive producer for Daredevil season 1. He stated that it was really a tough job looking for the locations. He said, “a whole team was organized to finalize the Filming Location of Daredevil. On the other hand, It was hard to find such locations that can be filmed as a neighborhood close enough to the comics version of Hell’s Kitchen”. The Showrunners have very creatively and thoroughly chosen different locations across the whole of New York City.

Daredevil Filming Location
CC: By Marvel Daredevil

List of Filming Locations of Daredevil

Abe Lebewhol Park/Church of St. Mark’s in the Bowery

Wesley, Wilson Fisk’s right arm, was first introduced to Abe Lebewohl Park in the East Village in front of the Church of St. Marco in Bowery. Furthermore, there were a lot of scenes like the conversations between Matt and father paul and many more.

Whitestone Lanes

A brutal assassination attempt against the crime boss and his bodyguard takes place in the flushing alley. Unlike the episode content, Whitestone Lane is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Maybe the criminal boss would have found one of the city’s seven hidden bowling alleys and wouldn’t have faced a bowling ball.

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New York State Supreme Court

Nelson and Murdock eventually file a proceeding in defense of the assassin. Murdock accepts to know who the man is working for. Thanks to the above records, we know that the case is taking place in the New York Supreme Court.

Brooklyn Borough Hall

The announcement that Wilson Fisk is a savior of Hell’s Kitchen and not a criminal was filmed in front of this building.

Where To Watch Daredevil?

Daredevil is officially available on Netflix.