Below Deck

Below Deck Season 8: Is it Ending Soon?

Below Deck is an American reality television show created by Mark Cronin, Rebecca Taylor Henning, and Doug Henning. Announced back on April 13, 2012, the show had its television debut on July 1, 2013. Below Deck showcases the lives of the young people who work as crew members aboard a 100 feet yacht during charter season. The crew members are called yachties, and all live aboard the luxurious and privately owned yachts while making sure to fulfill the needs of their ever-demanding clients. The show follows the crew as they deal with their personal issues while visiting some of the world’s most beautiful and exotic places. Each episode features a different group of passengers, from millionaires to partying friends, as they head out for different adventures.

Season 8 Details

Captain Lee Rosbach with his crew.

The Season 8 of Below Deck had a frantic start with Captain Lee Rosbach again reprising his position. We have Eddie Lucas back in the show. After Season 3, he had left the show, and now after 5 seasons, he returned to the crew as a bosun. There was an announcement of a whole new crew in the trailer by Captain Lee. Hence, a lot of fresh faces aboard the yacht. Francesca Rubi will be the new chief stewardess, while Elizabeth Frankini and Isabelle “Izzy” Wouters will be stewardesses. James Hough and Shane Coopersmith will be the acting deckhands. In this season, the crew will be setting sail around the Caribbean.

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Below Deck Season 7 came back in October 2019. That means the new season started airing a little over a year on 2nd November 2020. This was because, just like any other show in the industry, even Below Deck got affected in its production due to the COVID-19 Pandemic. The filming of season 8 started before the pandemic was struck, which means they were already on the waters and away from where the danger was. In the trailer, it was mentioned as a “thing” little did they know what it will develop into overnight.

As the filming of the season had begun and the crew is on board, no one really was affected by the strains of coronavirus. Being filmed back when the pandemic had major spread in Italy, Rachel Hargrove, the chef, was the only one who had an idea of devastation back on land. Her boyfriend back in Italy kept giving her constant updates, and due to which she decided to address it on social media. She revealed how the Bravo Producers wanted to keep filming until the very end and was displeased with how the situation was handled. She was even driven to quit, but being on the waters, she had no choice but to stay.

Is Below Deck Season 8 Over?

Now finally reaching the episodes where the COVID-19 is addressed in the show along with all the debacle the production went through. Fans were left to wonder if Season 8 will end soon. But things got hot when Captain Lee Rosbach, for the first time in 8 seasons, ended a charter early. Surprisingly it wasn’t due to the pandemic but due to a nerve-racking guest who got drunk and went to take a dip in the ocean at night. The guest “Dolores” refusing to come back and being unreasonable, Captain Lee finally had it and declared ending the charter and going back to the docks.

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It so happens the Season 1 of Below Deck had 11 episodes while Season 7 had 20 episodes. And from the looks of it, it seems that the show will have a proper run of episodes this season as well. This is confirmed by the fact that the details of episodes 10 and 11 are already released.

Episode 10: Steamy Vibes – 4th January 2021

Episode 11: Blood in the Water – 11th January 2021

Be sure to catch up on all the Below Deck episodes on BravoTV, Netflix, and Prime Video.