Shameless Season 11 Episode 5 Preview and Recap

In the last episode titled ‘Nimby’, the Gallaghers have got to face several challenges throughout the day, and that includes some weird reunions, some uninvited guests, and much more. So if by any chance you’ve missed the last episode, we are here to provide you a brief recap. The fourth episode of the season begins with the arrival of Terry Milkovich and his family who slip and make their way into Gallagher neighbor Mrs. McCurdy’s house by impressing her. While Frank is determined to get rid of the “virus” next door, Liam wants to move away from the racist brunch.

Hoping for progress, Frank asks for help. But the Gallaghers and real Milkoviches Sandy and Mickey convince him that getting rid of the clan won’t be easy for them. Too scared to mess with Terry on his own, Frank looks at Kev for help when he sees the Milkoviches hanging a confederate flag. Together, Liam, Kev, and Frank try to think and come up with ways to drive the family out of their neighborhood. Frank initially comes up with a plan to visit a Mosque. He then attempts to convince some men to join the “scripted” fight to scare Terry out. Liam also gets all of them agreed, but they back out once they come to know it’s the Milkoviches, they’ve got to fight with.

William H. Macy as Frank Gallagher and Christian Isaiah as Liam Gallagher

As a part of the next plan, the men decide that they will cause a deviation in front of the house while Liam and Frank try to find Mrs. McCurdy and see if she can say anything regarding the Milkoviches being threatening. They come across a dog in the yard, but while Frank attempts to keep him quiet, his youngest son slips in, in an attempt to extract any statements from Mrs. McCurdy. After all lot of risks hanging around his neck, he manages to get to the bed-ridden woman. Meanwhile, Kev is attempting to trigger the Milkoviches by burial photos of swastikas and confederate flags. Unfortunately, it serves no results as Liam reveals the statements made by Mrs. McCurdy’s to Frank. She refers to Terry as a “beast” in the sack but eventually says that she has got no intentions to drive the man and his family out and make them leave.

Read: Shameless Season 11 Episode 2: When Will it Air?

Debbie And Veronica’s Little Fight

As the episode progresses, we see Debbie’s dream of seeing Franny win the title of Little Miss South comes to a halt when she finds that her daughter tried using gel to her hair and ended up using superglue. This makes Debbie struggle and finds a children’s wig for Franny so that she could hide the damage during the pageant. Meanwhile, Veronica is busy preparing Gemma for the same event, but at the same time, her other daughter Amy is pissed that she isn’t competing.

Debbie and Veronica soon learn that their daughters are competing in the same event while they’re on their way, and this creates some tension between them. Once they arrive at the pageant space, Veronica is surprised to see Franny with a blonde wig. Franny doesn’t entertain the conversation Veronica is trying to initiate, and Veronica ends up bursting into the room to remind the judges that the little girl has run over the time allotted to her. Infuriated over the situation, Debbie gives Franny a marker and instructs her to do Gemma’s makeup when Veronica walks away.

Emma Kenney as Debbie Gallagher and Shanola Hampton as Veronica Fisher,

The disruption puts the women on bad terms, and when the time comes for the mothers to give a speech, stating why their daughter should be chosen as a winner, their animosity spills out on the stage. Once Veronica gets a chance to speak, it wins over the heart of one of the judges who offers her an opportunity to work with him on a political circuit. But neither V’s speech nor Debbie’s cunningness is enough to get their daughters to win the title. Instead, a girl with cerebral palsy is crowned as the winner.

Read: Grown-ish Season 3 Episode 10: Preview and Recap

Carl Evaluates His Job

Carl, on the other hand, has now begun to see officer Janes’ negative side when they report to an idle call. Janes instructs the suspect named Miss June to leave the area after she tries to sell the cigarette to Carl. Carl is shocked, witnessing Janes’ harshness. They soon come across and catch hold of people with drugs in the backyard. When Janes begins placing all the drugs into the pockets of the arrested individuals and forces Miss June to strip, it disturbs him to the core. The lack of humanity he sees in the officer makes him evaluate his own behavior and conduct in the role of a police officer. After he gets done with his work, he collects Miss June’s clothes and other essentials and returns them to her. He further advises her to sell her goods at another locale, where he and Janes don’t usually pass by.

Ethan Cutkosky as Carl Gallagher

Tami’s Awkward Reunion

Tami convinces Lip to accompany her to a brunch with her former music teacher Marcos. It’s evident from the beginning that Tami and Marcos share a close bond. After they return back home, Lip asks Tami if she ever dated her high school teacher, to which she answers yes but reassures him that it wasn’t weird. When Marcos shows up at the couple’s house to introduce his fiancé and have a look at their home, they are shocked to see such a young girl beside Marcos. When they inquire a bit about the girl, she tells them she was on a Prep School interview since she’s 17. Once the high school teacher and his underaged fiance leave, Lip tells Tami that she has daddy issues. But soon, he reassures her that now she is with an appropriately aged man, and no one takes their happiness away now.

Kate Miner as Tami Tamietti and Jeremy Allen White as Philip “Lip” Gallagher

An Opportunity For Ian And Mickey

After leaving his job previously, Ian aims to hold a search for new opportunities, but Mickey has other plans for him. He wants him to join his security job for Veronica and Kev, where he’d be required to pick up funds and drop them off. At first, Ian doesn’t seem interested in the idea, but once he sees his ex-convict husband cleaning an illegal gun, he gets concerned. He attempts to make Mickey understand that he should be careful and avoid the usage of any illegal gun for self-defense. So they end up visiting a store with tactical gear to pick up something that isn’t illegal.

Persuaded by one of the mannequins, Ian agrees to help Mickey only if he outfits himself well and looks professional. They soon go to Kev and V and pick up minimal cash that needs to be delivered to the pot supplier they work with. The moment they arrive, the duo is surprised by the massive supply of pot plants at the organization and its legal operations. After they deliver the money, an employee mentions to them that if they make runs for them, the duo could end up making around $1,000 per day. Is it a good opportunity worthy of being grabbed? We’ll surely get to know about it today itself.

The fifth episode of the season is scheduled to go on air on 31 January 2021 on Showtime.

Noel Fisher as Mickey Milkovich and Cameron Monaghan as Ian Gallagher

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