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Biden Races Against Time to Protect the World from Republicans

Biden (Credits: BBC)

The Biden administration has been actively issuing new rules and regulations, particularly through agencies like the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), to address climate change. However, this flurry of activity is not without its challenges and potential setbacks.

One of the primary concerns is the possibility of these regulations being rolled back depending on the outcome of future elections. With control of the White House and Congress potentially shifting, many of the regulations currently being implemented could face swift reversal.

This uncertainty underscores the urgency of the situation, especially considering the critical importance of these measures for the future of the planet.

Biden (Credits NPR)

The EPA’s recent regulations targeting coal-fired power plants, among other sources of carbon dioxide emissions, have been hailed as important steps in the fight against climate change. However, they are also expected to face serious pushback from conservative quarters, including potential challenges in Congress.

The Congressional Review Act (CRA) poses a particular threat to these regulations, as it allows Congress to overturn recently finalized rules with simple majorities in both chambers.

While President Biden can veto such resolutions of disapproval, the balance of power in Congress could shift in future elections, increasing the likelihood of successful challenges.

Additionally, the prospect of former President Donald Trump returning to office poses another risk to these regulations. Trump has already indicated his intention to reverse many of the measures implemented by the Biden administration, and a Republican-controlled Congress could facilitate this process by sending resolutions of disapproval to his desk.

The urgency of the situation is further compounded by the uncertainty surrounding the “look-back” window under the CRA, which determines the timeframe within which Congress can review and potentially overturn regulations.

President Biden (Credits: USA Today)

This uncertainty creates challenges for the Biden administration as it seeks to protect its regulatory agenda from potential rollbacks.

The reversal of these regulations would not only undermine progress in addressing climate change but also perpetuate uncertainty for businesses and investors. The economic costs of inaction on climate change are important, making the stakes of these regulatory battles incredibly high.

In the face of these challenges, it’s crucial for supporters of climate action to remain vigilant and advocate for the preservation of these regulations, regardless of political shifts. The future of the planet hangs in the balance, and the decisions made in the coming years will have profound implications for generations to come.

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